Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<<  <  Thursday 10 May 2012  >  >>
14:30 Active gels, cells and information processing (Prof. Rao, Madan) (Colaba Campus: A304)
16:00 Pfaffian representations of quintics (Prof. Kumar, Mohan) (Colaba Campus: AG-69)
16:00 Local and non-local features in the primordial power spectrum and associated bi-spectra (Dr. Dhiraj Kumar Hazra) (Colaba Campus: DAA Seminar Room A269)
16:00 Structural Insights into the multi functional P2 of Plasmodium falciparum stalk (Ms. Pushpa Mishra) (Colaba Campus: AG-80)
16:00 No Title  (Mr. Dewanjee, Ramkrishna) (Colaba Campus)
16:00 Photodisintegrations using High Energy -beam at HIS: Endeavours to Address the Few and the Many (Dr. Raut, Rajarshi) (Colaba Campus: P305)