Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<<  <  Thursday 11 February 2010  >  >>
14:00 A revisit of the DNA binding drugs in the context of their effects upon chromatin structure and function (Prof. Dasgupta, Dipak) (Colaba Campus: B-333)
14:30 How proteins find and recognize targets on DNA (Prof. Kolomeisky, Anatoly) (Colaba Campus: A-304)
16:00 The mm-wave sky at high resolution: recent results from the South Pole Telescope (Prof. Gilbert Holder) (Colaba Campus: A-269)
16:00 Convex Projective Manifold of finite volume (Dr. Marquis, Ludovic) (Colaba Campus: AG-69)
16:00 Domain wall behaviour in magnetic nanoelements and wires (Prof. Chapman, John) (Colaba Campus: AG-80)