Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<<  <  Thursday 11 April 2013  >  >>
14:30 Prepotential formulation of lattice gauge theories (Ms. Raychowdhury, Indrakshi) (Colaba Campus: AG69)
14:30 Exploring the Complexity of Supramolecular Interactions at the Liquid-Solid Interface (Part I: Comprehension) (Dr. Kunal S. Mali) (Colaba Campus: AG-80)
14:30 Fermions in synthetic non-Abelian gauge fields (Prof. Shenoy, Vijay B.) (Colaba Campus: A304)
16:00 Biomechanics of substrate boring by fig wasps (Dr. Gundiah, Namrata) (Colaba Campus: B-333)
16:00 One-dimensional electron ordering in polymer nanowires (Prof. Sanyal, Milan K) (Colaba Campus: AG-66, Lecture Theatre)
16:00 Consistent dS 3 Quantum Gravity: Probing Through Lens Spaces and holographic aspects. (Mr. Basu, Rudranil) (Colaba Campus: A304)