Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<<  <  Wednesday 13 April 2011  >  >>
10:30 Novel cell cycle modes in the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica (Prof. Lohia, Anuradha) (Colaba Campus: AG-80)
11:30 Deciphering the Role of HomeoboxA10 in Endometrial Physiology (Dr. Godbole, Geeta) (Colaba Campus: B-333)
14:30 Exact quantum entropy of black holes 2. From gravity to number theory (Dr. Murthy, Sameer) (Colaba Campus: A-304)
14:30 Predictive Toxicity In Silico (Dr. Subramanian, Kalyanasundaram) (Colaba Campus: A-212)
16:00 Competing phases and driving though jam in a superconductor (Prof. Satyajit Banerjee) (Colaba Campus: AG-66)