Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<<  <  Wednesday 16 April 2014  >  >>
11:30 TIFR Near Infrared Instrumentation : Study of young low mass outburst sources (Mr. Joe Philip Ninan) (Colaba Campus: DAA Seminar Room A269)
14:30 Fate of disorder-induced inhomogeneities in strongly correlated d-wave superconductors (Mr. Chakraborty, Debmalya) (Colaba Campus: A304)
14:30 Mixing, Counting and Equidistribution on the hyperbolic plane (Mr. Choudhuri, Manoj) (Colaba Campus: AG-77)
16:00 H2O - H2 + O2 (Dr. Dey, Abhishek) (Colaba Campus: AG - 66 (Lecture Theatre))