Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<<  <  Thursday 17 March 2011  >  >>
10:30 Gravitational Lensing by Compact Objects in the Galactic Center:Can we exclude or detect a boson star? (Dr. Amitai Bin-Nun) (Colaba Campus: AG-66)
14:30 Neutrino masses and leptogenesis from mu-tau symmetric four zero Yukawa textures (Prof. Roy, Probir) (Colaba Campus: A-304)
16:00 On The Geometry of Heterotic String Compactifications (Prof. de la Ossa, Xenia) (Colaba Campus: A-304)
16:00 On the Jacobian conjecture (Prof. T, Asanuma) (Colaba Campus: AG-69)