Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<<  <  Thursday 02 August 2012  >  >>
14:30 Strange stars, pion gas, hydrodynamics and nuclear, particle and astrophysics (Prof. Dey, Jishnu) (Colaba Campus: AG69)
16:00 Introduction to Arthur's work on classification of automorphic representations on classical groups (Prof. Mok, Chung Pang) (Colaba Campus: AG-69)
16:00 Causal holographic information (Prof. Rangamani, Mukund) (Colaba Campus: A304)
16:00 Doped He nanodroplets in Intense few-cycle IR pulses: Dynamics of ignition and expansion (Dr. Siva Rama Krishnan) (Colaba Campus: P305)