Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<<  <  Tuesday 23 February 2016  >  >>
11:30 From interstellar dust to filaments - Key results from Herschel Gould Belt Sirvey (Dr. Arabindo Roy) (TIFR: A269)
14:30 Synthesis and Characterization of Ni-Mn-X (X: In, Sb) FSMA Thin Films (Dr. Sharma, Harish) (: AG80)
14:30 Fermion Masses without Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking (Prof. Chandrasekharan, Shailesh) (: AG66)
16:00 GW150914: A transient gravitational wave event from a binary black hole merger (Prof. Gopakumar (on behalf of IndIGO-LSC group), A.) (TIFR, Colaba , Mumbai: AG - 66 (Lecture Theatre))
16:00 Rigidity and Tolerance of Point Processes (Krishnapur, Manjunath) (: A-201 (STCS Seminar Room))