Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<<  <  Monday 05 December 2011  >  >>
10:00 AWS - Reshma Chopra (Colaba Campus)
11:00 Synchrony Induced Brain-like Computing in Artificial Molecular Systems (Dr. Bandyopadhyay, Anirban) (Colaba Campus: A-212 (STCS Seminar Room))
14:30 Growth of Amyloid Fibrils (Dr. Reddy, Govardhan) (Colaba Campus: AG80)
A portable lab for Learning Science (Dr. B.P.Ajith Kumar) (Colaba Campus)
16:00 Imaging and Sequencing of Single Molecules, and a Man Who Has Kept Us Busy for 100 Years (Prof. Sunney Xie) (Colaba Campus: AG-66 (Lecture Theatre))
16:00 Imaging and Sequencing of Single Molecules, and a Man Who Has Kept Us Busy for 100 Years (Prof. Sunney Xie) (Colaba Campus: AG-66)