Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<<  <  Tuesday 08 September 2015  >  >>
16:00 Drainage Networks and the Brownian Web (Dr. Roy, Rahul) (: A-212 (STCS Seminar Room))
16:00 NASA’s New Horizons Mission to Pluto and Beyond (Dr. Henry Throop) (TIFR: AG66)
16:00 Magnetic Coupling in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 / SrRuO3 Superlattices (Dr. Behera, Bhaskar Chandra) (: AG80)
16:00 A Black Hole Membrane Paradigm at large D (Minwalla, Shiraz) (TIFR Colaba Campus: AG-69)