Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<<  <  Wednesday 09 January 2013  >  >>
11:30 From epithelial cell polarity to retinal degeneration - lessons from Drosophila’ (Prof. Knust, Elisabeth) (Colaba Campus: AG-69)
14:30 The search for Higgs decaying to two tau leptons (Prof. Dasu, Sridhara) (Colaba Campus: AG 80)
16:00 Arithmetic Invariant Theory and rational points on Hyper-elliptic curves (Prof. Gross, Benedict) (Colaba Campus: AG-69)
16:00 Designing High-Confidence Interactive Systems: Electronic Voting, Self-Driving Cars, and Beyond (Prof. Seshia, Sanjit A.) (Colaba Campus: AG - 66 (Lecture Theatre))