String Theory Seminars  (events overview)

<  Monday 27 January 2020  –  Sunday 02 February 2020  >
Mon 27/01 Tue 28/01 Wed 29/01 Thu 30/01 Fri 31/01
11:30 Modular Theory and QFT (Tata-Infosys Lecture Series) [Lecture 1] (Prof. Lashkari, Nima) (: A304)
14:30 No Tension! - The Carefree Life of Null Strings (Dr. Bagchi, Arjun) (: AG66)
14:00 Modular Theory and QFT (Tata-Infosys Lecture Series) [Lecture 2] (Prof. Lashkari, Nima) (: AG69)
11:30 Modular Theory and QFT (Tata-Infosys Lecture Series) [Lecture 3] (Prof. Lashkari, Nima) (: AG66)