Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<  Monday 16 January 2017  –  Sunday 22 January 2017  >
Mon 16/01 Tue 17/01 Wed 18/01 Thu 19/01 Fri 20/01
10:00 Dense Axion Stars (Mohapatra, Abhisek) (: A304)
11:30 Distinguished Tata-Infosys Lectures series - Asymptotic Symmetries and Soft Theorems: From QED to Black Holes (Lecture 1) (Prof. Strominger, Andrew) (: A304)
16:00 RNA Editing by Adenosine Deaminases (Prof. Peter A. Beal) (: AG-69)
12:00 Distinguished Tata-Infosys Lectures series - Asymptotic Symmetries and Soft Theorems: From QED to Black Holes (Lecture 2) (Prof. Strominger, Andrew) (: A304)
14:00 Calculation of Momentum Distribution Function of a Non-thermal Fermionic Dark Matter (Via Skype) (Mr. Gupta, Aritra) (: A304)
14:30 The gas mass and star formation rate of star-forming galaxies at z∼1 (Prof. Nissim Kanekar) (TIFR: Lecture Theatre (AG-66))
14:30 Physical string realization of Walcher's topological string (Prof. Narain, K.S.) (: A269)
14:30 Transport in adatom-decorated graphene (Prof. Henriksen, Erik) (: AG80)
16:00 The information puzzle and soft hair (Prof. Strominger, Andrew) (: AG69)
10:00 Distinguished Tata-Infosys Lectures series - Asymptotic Symmetries and Soft Theorems: From QED to Black Holes (Lecture 3) (Prof. Strominger, Andrew) (: A304)
11:30 Condensed Matter Lecture Series (3 lectures on 2 topics) (Prof. Sachdev, Subir) (: AG69)
16:00 Development of Single Molecule Techniques To Study Cu-Containing Oxidoreductases (Prof. Canters, G.W.) (Lecture Theatre: AG-66)
11:00 Condensed Matter Lecture Series (3 lectures on 2 topics) (Prof. Sachdev, Subir) (: AG69)
14:30 Variation of the Cooperativity and the Role of Ligand-field States in Spincrossover Compounds (Dr. Pradip Chakraborty) (: AG-69)
11:30 Throughput-Optimal Algorithms for Generalized Flow Problems (Sinha, Abhishek) (: D-405 (D-Block Seminar Room))
14:30 Strategy to Tune Equilibrium Dopant Composition in Semiconductor Nanocrystals (Dr. Pradip Chakraborty) (: AG-69)
16:00 Galvin's Proof of Dinitz's Conjecture (Gajjar, Kshitij) (: A-201 (STCS Seminar Room))
Cosmic-rays with IceCube and IceTop at the South Pole (Prof. Gaisser, Thomas) (: Homi Bhabha Auditorium)