Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<  Monday 27 November 2017  –  Sunday 03 December 2017  >
Mon 27/11 Tue 28/11 Wed 29/11 Thu 30/11 Fri 01/12
10:15 Finding Euler Tours in One Pass in the W-Streaming Model with $\mathcal{\O}(n\log n)$ Memory (Srivastav, Anand) (: A-201 (STCS Seminar Room))
11:30 Large spin bootstrap in Mellin space (Dr. Dey, Parijat) (: A304)
16:00 Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy as a New Tool to Identify Twisted Intramolecular Charge Transfer States (Dr. Shreetama Karmakar) (: AG-69)
10:00 A thermal Froissart-Gribov formula for CFTs (Quantum Spacetime Seminar Series) (Dr. Mahajan, Raghu) (: A304)
11:30 Black Hole Thermodynamics and the Information Paradox in 2d CFT (The Tata-Infosys Lecture series) (Prof. Kaplan, Jared) (: A304)
16:00 Magneto-thermopower in semimetallic WTe2 thin flakes (Dr. Kumar, Neeraj) (: AG80)
16:00 Building an FFT Correlator for the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (Ms. Deepthi Gorthi) (: DAA Seminar room (A-269))
16:00 Small-depth Multilinear Formula Lower Bounds for Iterated Matrix Multiplication, with Applications (Limaye, Nutan) (: A-201 (STCS Seminar Room))
16:00 Quantum Gravity from the Bottom Up (Prof. Kaplan, Jared) (: AG69)
11:30 Black Hole Thermodynamics and the Information Paradox in 2d CFT (The Tata-Infosys Lecture series) (Prof. Kaplan, Jared) (: A304)
16:00 Membrane fission: diverse players, convergent mechanisms (Prof. Pucadyil, Thomas) (Lecture Theatre: AG-66)
10:00 Black Hole Thermodynamics and the Information Paradox in 2d CFT (The Tata-Infosys Lecture series) (Prof. Kaplan, Jared) (: A304)
11:30 Agreement Tests on Graphs and Hypergraphs (Harsha, Prahladh) (: A-201 (STCS Seminar Room))
14:30 Topological quantum paramagnet in quantum spin systems (Dr. Joshi, Darshan) (: A304)
Designing of templates to reach the distal C-H bond (Prof. Maiti, Debabrata) (: AG-66.)
16:00 Arithmetic geometry of toric varieties (Prof. Patrice Philippon) (TIFR, Mumbai: AG-69)
14:30 Exploring the Diverse Conformations and Biological Functions of IDPs (Prof. Richard W. Kriwacki) (: AG-66)