Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<  Monday 11 December 2017  –  Sunday 17 December 2017  >
Mon 11/12 Tue 12/12 Wed 13/12 Thu 14/12 Fri 15/12
10:00 Voting on Restricted Preference Domains: A Survey (Elkind, Edith) (: A-201 (STCS Seminar Room))
10:00 Overview on the Concepts of MIMO, Multiuser MIMO, and Massive MIMO (Prof. Omar, Abbas) (: AG80)
11:30 Muon spin relaxation studies of Sr 2 RuO 4 under uniaxial pressure (Ms. Ghosh, Shreenanda) (: A304)
11:30 Vibrational Anharmonicity and IR Spectra of Hydrogen Bonded Clusters (Prof. Jer-Lai Kuo) (: AG-66)
14:30 One ring to bring them all (Dr. Sandilya, Saurabh) (TIFR: AG66)
16:00 The Search for Dark Matter in the Universe (Prof. Lindner, Manfred) (Lecture Theatre: AG-66)
10:00 Formation of Sunlike Stars and Planetary Systems (Prof. Frank H. Shu) (Lecture Theatre: AG 66)
14:30 On the superconducting and the insulating states of (111) SrTiO3/LaAlO3 interface (Prof. Dagan, Yoram) (: D-405)
14:30 Computational Material Design of Two Dimensional Materials and Their Energy Applications (Prof. Jer-Lai Kuo) (: B-333 (DBS Seminar Room))
16:00 "Two invariants related to two conjectures due to Nagata" (Prof. Michel Waldschmidt) (TIFR, Mumbai: AG-69)
Computational Intelligence for Biometrics (Prof. Piuri, Vincenzo) (: AG-66.)