Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<  Monday 14 December 2020  –  Sunday 20 December 2020  >
Mon 14/12 Tue 15/12 Wed 16/12 Thu 17/12 Fri 18/12
17:00 Study of Dirac Electrons in BiPd and Graphene using Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy. (Mr. Pramanik, Arindam) (: Zoom)
16:00 Superfluid (phase) stiffness: The ignored energy scale in Superconductivity (Prof. Raychaudhuri, Pratap) (Online through ZOOM Webinar: Zoom link:
11:30 Primordial Black Holes from a tiny bump/dip in the Inflaton potential (Mr. Mishra, Swagat) (: Zoom)
15:00 Blown-up toric surfaces with non-polyhedral effective cone (Prof. Ana-Maria Castravet) (Via Zoom: )
Backend Signal Processing for uGMRT (Mr. B, Ajith Kumar) (Online: