Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<  Monday 12 December 2022  –  Sunday 18 December 2022  >
Mon 12/12 Tue 13/12 Wed 14/12 Thu 15/12 Fri 16/12
11:00 Interaction effects on quantum Hall transitions: Dynamical scaling laws and superuniversality (Prof. Raghu, Srinivas) (: A304)
16:00 Berger conjecture, valuations and torsions (Dr. Vivek Mukundan) (: AG-77)
14:30 If dark matter is fuzzy, the first stars form in massive pancakes (Dr. Kulkarni, Mihir) (: A304 and Zoom : MEETING ID: 827 0473 4378 PASSCODE: 311436)
16:00 Understanding the emission mechanisms and the particle acceleration in astrophysical jets (Dr. Chandra, Sunil) (Hybrid: AG66)
14:30 Using Room-Temperature Water Microdroplets to Achieve C-H Activation (Prof. Zare, Richard) (AG-66 and via ZOOM webinar: Zoom link:
14:30 The Generalized Gibbs Ensemble description of a Hamiltonian disordered model (Lecture 1) (Prof. Cugliandolo, Leticia F.) (: A 304 and on Zoom : Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 924 1002 6263 Passcode: 834414)
11:30 The Generalized Gibbs Ensemble description of a Hamiltonian disordered model (Lecture 2) (Prof. Cugliandolo, Leticia F.) (: A 304 and on Zoom : Meeting ID: 967 7494 4282 Passcode: 176623)
14:30 Novel gapless phenomena in (1+1) D (Dr. Prakash, Abhishodh) (: A304 and Zoom : Meeting ID: 953 1905 6313 Passcode: 357941)
14:30 n-Selmer group of elliptic curves over number fields (Dr. Somnath Jha) (: AG-77)
Lesser known but equally important Indian Physicists – Part 1: B.B. Ray and S.K. Mitra (Dr. Singh, Rajinder) (Online: