Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<  Monday 05 June 2017  –  Sunday 11 June 2017  >
Mon 05/06 Tue 06/06 Wed 07/06 Thu 08/06 Fri 09/06
11:00 Modelling Uncertainty: A Tale That Tails Tell (Juneja, Sandeep K.) (: AG-66 (Lecture Theatre))
16:00 Band Structure of Topological Insulator BiSbTe1.25Se1.75 (Mr. Lohani, Himanshu) (: AG80)
16:00 Thermalization, entanglement and holography (Theoretical Physics VSRP Colloquium) (Prof. Mandal, Gautam) (: AG69)
11:00 `Structure theory of complex semisimple Lie algebras' (1/2) (Dr. Ganapathy, Radhika) (TIFR, Mumbai: AG-77)
11:30 Unraveling the intricate mechanism of magnetoelastic coupling in Mn3GaC type Antiperovskite materials (Ms. Dias, Elaine T.) (: AG80)
16:00 `Structure theory of complex semisimple Lie algebras' (2/2) (Dr. Ganapathy, Radhika) (TIFR, Mumbai: AG-77)
Materials and methods of the Metal Additive Manufacturing (Mr. Parikh, Ajay) (: AG-66)
17:15 A Composition Theorem for Randomized Query Complexity (Sherif, Suhail) (: A-201 (STCS Seminar Room))