School of Mathematics Seminars and Lectures  (events overview)

<  Monday 17 October 2022  –  Sunday 23 October 2022  >
Mon 17/10 Tue 18/10 Wed 19/10 Thu 20/10 Fri 21/10
10:00 The covering volume of lattices, and nearly uniform coverings (1/3) (Prof. Barak Weiss) (: AG-66,AG-69,AG77)
16:00 Singular Principal Bundles (Dr. Arusha C) (: AG-77)
16:00 The covering volume of lattices, and nearly uniform coverings (2/3) (: AG-66,AG-69,AG77)
16:00 The covering volume of lattices, and nearly uniform coverings (3/3) (: AG-66,AG-69,AG77)