Biological Sciences Seminars

The Fat-Hippo Signaling Pathway: Studies on Neuronal Stem Cells and Glia Development in Drosophila

by Dr. Venugopala Reddy

Tuesday, November 29, 2011 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( B-333 )
Recently discovered tumor suppressor pathway, Fat-Hippo signaling has been emerged as a major signaling pathway that controls organ growth and size across species. Fat-Hippo signaling regulates multiple cellular events, including tissue growth, cell fate and neuronal homeostasis. I will be talking about Fat-Hippo signaling and its role in the development of Neurons and Glia, two cell types that are essential for the proper functioning of central nervous system. I use Drosophila optic lobe neuronal stem cells and glia as model system to understand the mechanisms that define proliferation and differentiation during development.