CMSP Journal Club

Exact First-Passage Exponents of 1D Domain Growth: Relation to a Reaction-Diffusion Model

by Ms. Himani Sachdeva (TIFR)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( A304 )
The authors study persistence in the q-state Potts model, when it is quenched to zero temperature. It is known that the fraction r(q,t) of spins, which have never flipped up to time t, decays like the power law r(q,t)∼t-θ(q) with a nontrivial dependence of the exponent θ(q) on q and on space dimension. By mapping the problem onto an exactly soluble one-species coagulation model ( A+A→A), an exact expression for θ(q) is obtained in one dimension.

B. Derrida, V. Hakim, and Vincent Pasquier, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 751 (1995)