Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics Seminars

Photodisintegrations using High Energy -beam at HIS: Endeavours to Address the Few and the Many

by Dr. Rajarshi Raut (IUC-CSR-DAE-KC)

Thursday, May 10, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( P305 )
Description High Intestity g-ray Source (HIgS) of Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL) is the most intense source of monoenergetic g-beam in the world. HIgS, thus, presents diverse experimental possibilities with relevance in a multitude of domains ranging from few-body physics, nuclear astrophysics, nuclear structure studies and photo-activation measurements. In this presentation, we shall discuss two different experiments on the cross-section measuremnts of g-induced reactions. One of them is the 4He(g, p)3H photodisintegration reaction that is of significance in the domain of few-nucleon physics, for instance, in the understanding of the three-nucleon force. The other is the 86Kr(g, n)85Kr reaction which is important for probing the  s-process branching point at 85Kr that has a profound impact on the s-process modelling in Asymtotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars.
Organised by Dr. Vaibhav Prabhudesai