High Energy Physics Journal Club

Report on: Analytical study of a gas of gluonic quasiparticles at high temperature: effective mass, pressure and trace anomaly

by Rajiv Gavai

Friday, October 22, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( A-304 )
Analytical study of a gas of gluonic quasiparticles at high temperature: effective mass, pressure and trace anomaly

Authors: Francesco Giacosa

Abstract: The thermodynamical properties of a pure Yang-Mills theory $SU(N)$ is described by a gas of gluonic quasiparticles with temperature dependent mass $m(T)$ and a bag function $B(T).$ The analytic behavior of $m(T)$ and the pressure $p$ at high $T$ are derived and constraints on the parameters defining $B(T)$ are discussed. The trace anomaly $\theta=\rho-3p$ is evaluated in the high $T$ domain: it is dominated by a quadratic behavior $\theta =nKT^{2},$ where $n=2(N^{2}-1)$ is the number of degrees of freedom and $K$ is an integration constant which does not depend on the bag function $B(T)$. This is a general result which is in very good agreement with recent lattice simulations. 