High Energy Physics Journal Club

Report on: Effective Polyakov-loop theory for pure Yang-Mills from strong coupling expansion

by Padmanath M.

Friday, November 19, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( A-304 )
Title: Effective Polyakov-loop theory for pure Yang-Mills from strong coupling expansion
Authors: Jens Langelage, Stefano Lottini, Owe Philipsen
Abstract: Lattice Yang-Mills theories at finite temperature can be mapped onto effective 3d spin systems, thus facilitating their numerical investigation. Using strong-coupling expansions we derive effective actions for Polyakov loops in the $SU(2)$ and $SU(3)$ cases and investigate the effect of higher order corrections. Once a formulation is obtained which allows for Monte Carlo analysis, the nature of the phase transition in both classes of models is investigated numerically, and the results are then used to predict -- with an accuracy within a few percent -- the deconfinement point in the original 4d Yang-Mills pure gauge theories, for a series of values of $N_\tau$ at once. 
