28-29 April 2023
TIFR Mumbai
Asia/Kolkata timezone
Welcome to the two-day FPGA workshop! In this workshop, we will cover the basics of FPGAs and their applications in high-performance computing, including their use in High Energy Physics and other scientific applications.

We will start the first day of the workshop with an overview of FPGAs and an introduction to the Hardware Description Language (HDL). We will also discuss the advantages of FPGAs over traditional processors and ASICs. The experts from TIFR will provide the pre-requisites for the workshop and answer any questions you may have.

On the second day of the workshop, the experts from Coreel Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru, will cover advanced topics related to FPGA applications. They will provide a demonstration of the use of Xilinx Zynq SOCs (System On Chips) and give overview of Ultra scale+ architecture. They will also discuss the latest trends in FPGA technology and the future applications of FPGAs in various industries.

This workshop is designed for anyone interested in learning about FPGAs, including students, researchers, and professionals in the field of computer engineering, electronics, and related fields.

Tentative time table is uploaded, further details will be uploaded soon.
Starts Apr 28, 2023 09:50
Ends Apr 29, 2023 18:30
TIFR Mumbai
AG66 and AG80
zoom link: https://cern.zoom.us/j/95212002203?pwd=VmYzQjhpWWpQVHdSUzliVnRjZlVaQT09