School of Mathematics Seminars and Lectures

Singular Principal Bundles

by Dr. Arusha C (TIFR, Mumbai)

Tuesday, October 18, 2022 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG-77
Abstract: The talk will be based on the article "Singular Principal
Bundles on Reducible Curves" by Angel Luis Munoz Castaneda and Alexander
Schmitt (

Singular principal bundles on smooth projective manifolds were introduced
by A. Schmitt in 2002 and were extended to a wide class of singular
varieties by U.N. Bhosle.

The results of the paper together with the previous works of the authors
prove the existence of a universal moduli space (of semistable singular
principal bundles) over the moduli space of stable curves thus providing
an analogous moduli space to the one obtained by R. Pandharipande for
vector bundles.

In an earlier work, A. Castaneda had reduced the construction of this
universal moduli space to the construction of the moduli space of swamps.
I will briefly outline their methods.