School of Mathematics Seminars and Lectures
An ergodic approach towards an equidistribution result of Ferrero–Washington
by Prof. Bharathwaj Palvannan (Indian Institute of Science (IISc))
Monday, November 28, 2022
at A369
at A369
Description |
Abstract: An important ingredient in the Ferrero--Washington proof of the vanishing of cyclotomic \mu-invariant for Kubota--Leopoldt p-adic L-functions is an equidistribution result which they established using the Weyl criterion. In joint work with Jungwon Lee, we provide an alternative proof by adopting a dynamical approach. We study an ergodic skew-product map on \Z_p * [0,1], which is then suitably identified as a factor of the 2-sided Bernoulli shift on the alphabet space {0,1,2,…,p-1}. |