10-12 January 2011
Colaba Campus
Asia/Kolkata timezone
This workshop aims to investigate the interplay between the high-energy frontier (direct searches) and the high-luminosity frontier (indirect searches) for elucidating the nature of new physics beyond the Standard Model. The year 2011 is special to have such a workshop for two reasons. First, the LHC experiments would have a first taste of real data (of reasonable amount) and perhaps first hints of new physics. On the other hand, several results of the current generation of flavor factories would be close to final, while results from other upcoming flavor-physics experiments may also become available. We would, therefore, like to read the first findings of the LHC in the prism of these flavor data.
Starts Jan 10, 2011 09:00
Ends Jan 12, 2011 13:00
Colaba Campus