Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics Seminars

How well do we (need to) understand isospin symmetry breaking? Some comparisons between theory and experiment

by Dr. S. Triambak (University of Delhi)

Thursday, January 12, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG80 )
The concept  of  isospin symmetry plays an important role in nuclear and particle physics. Although this approximate symmetry is broken by charge-dependent interactions, it offers an effective means to predict various observables in the absence of experimental data and remains a valuable tool in almost all sub-fields of nuclear physics. It is therefore interesting to test our understanding of isospin-symmetry-breaking in various nuclei and the implications of these calculations. In this talk I will highlight some important experimental evaluations of our understanding of isospin symmetry breaking in nuclei.
Organised by Dr. Vaibhav Prabhudesai