School of Mathematics Colloquium

Fundamental group of varieties in positive characteristic

by Dr. Amit Hogadi (TIFR)

Thursday, March 22, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-69 )
The fundamental group is one of the most basic topological invariant
of a space. In this talk we will discuss various notions of
fundamental group, like Grothendieck's etale fundamental group, Nori's
fundamental group scheme, the $S$-fundamental group scheme, etc. which
make sense for varieties over arbitrary fields. We will discuss
properties like birational invariance of the $S$-fundamental group
scheme (joint work with Vikram Mehta).
We will also see introduce a new notion of fundamental group called
'$\infty$-stratified fundamental group scheme' (joint work with
H\'el\`ene Esnault) and its relation with other existing notions of
fundamental group.