School of Mathematics Seminars and Lectures

Some rigidity theorems for simply connected negatively curved manifolds.

by Prof. Kingshook Biswas (RKMVU, Belur)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-77 )
Description The boundary at infinity has proved to be a very useful tool in
the study of rigidity properties of negatively curved spaces. In particular
for CAT(-1) spaces there is a canonical cross-ratio function defined on
quadruples of points on the boundary, and there are notions of Moebius and
conformal mappings between boundaries of CAT(-1) spaces. A motivating open
question is whether any Moebius map between two boundaries extends to an
isometry inside. This is proved by Bourdon to be true if the domain is the
boundary of a rank one symmetric space of noncompact type. For a conformal
map f between boundaries of spaces X,Y, we define a function S(f) on the
space of geodesics of X, called the integrated Schwarzian of f, which
measures the deviation of f from being Moebius. Like the classical
Schwarzian derivative, the integrated Schwarzian satisfies a cocycle
identity, and vanishes if and only if f is Moebius. We use the integrated
Schwarzian to study simply connected negatively curved manifolds. We show
that a 1-parameter family of compactly supported metric deformations is an
isometric deformation if all the boundary maps in the family are Moebius. We
also prove, under certain hypotheses, that any small enough compactly supported metric deformation is isometric if the boundary map is Moebius.