School of Mathematics Colloquium

Convex Projective Manifold of finite volume

by Dr. Ludovic Marquis (l'Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France)

Thursday, February 11, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-69 )
In my talk, I will explain how covex projective geometry is a generalisation of hyperbolic geometry. A convex projective manifold M is the quotient of a properly open convex $\omega$ set by a discrete group of projective transformation Gamma. The basic example of such manifold  is the quotient of the hyperbolic space by a discrete group of isometry.  This kind of manifold carry a natural measure. A lot of people have studied the case where the manifold M is compact. I will explain what is known when the dimension of M is 2 and how to construct such a manifold when
$\omega$ is not the hyperbolic space.  This will
lead us, to the construction of discrete subgroup    
of $SL_n+1(\mathbb (R)$.
Organised by Aravindakshan T