School of Mathematics Seminars and Lectures

`Distributional limits of positive, ergodic stationary processes & infinite ergodic transformations.'

by Prof. Jon Aaronson (Tel aviv university, Israel)

Monday, April 18, 2016 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at TIFR, Mumbai ( AG-77 )
In infinite ergodic theory, distributional limits replace
the absolutely normalized pointwise ergodic theorem.
I'll give a review of the subject and then show that every random
variable on the positive reals occurs as the
distributional limit of some infinite ergodic transformation.

This is a consequence of the dual result that every random variable on
the positive reals occurs as the distributional limit ofthe partial sums some positive, ergodic stationary process  normalized by a
1-regularly varying normalizing sequence (& the process can be chosen
over any EPPT).

Joint work in progress with Benjamin Weiss.