The AstroSat satellite, India’s first multi-wavelength astronomical observatory, was launched on 2015 September 28. One of the instruments in AstroSat, the Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) Imager, is proving to be a good monitor for gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). It is detecting GRBs at a rate of about 50 per year. For brighter GRBs (about 10 GRBs per year), CZT imager also measures hard X-ray polarization correct to about 20% accuracy. The Giant Meter-Wave Radio Telescope (GMRT), currently the most sensitive low frequency radio telescope in the world, is capable of following GRB afterglows at very late epochs. In recent times, several CZT imager detected GRBs are followed up by the GMRT. Thus AstroSat, in conjunction with GMRT observations, is providing a comprehensive prompt-to-afterglow picture of gamma-ray bursts. Thus it is timely for national and international GRB community to get together to maximise the GRB science with Indian facilities in conjunction with already existing international facilities. This workshop will discuss several research areas emerging in this field, like:
- Prompt radiation physics
- GRB calorimetry
- GRB host environment
- Correlations and use of GRBs as standard candle
- GRB afterglows
- Search for faint GRBs