High Energy Physics Journal Club

Report on: Effective-Field-Theory Approach to Top-Quark Production and Decay

by Diptimoy Ghosh (TIFR)

Friday, August 27, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( A-304 )
Title: Effective-Field-Theory Approach to Top-Quark Production and Decay
Authors: Cen Zhang, Scott Willenbrock
Abstract: We discuss new physics in top-quark interactions, using an effective field theory approach. We consider top-quark decay, single top production, and top-quark pair production. We identify 15 dimension-six operators that contribute to these processes, and we compute the deviation from the Standard Model induced by these operators. The results provide a systematic way of searching for (or obtaining bounds on) physics beyond the Standard Model. 
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