School of Mathematics Seminars and Lectures

Galois representations with open image

by Prof. Ralph Greenberg (University of Washington, USA)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-77 )
Suppose that p is a prime and that
n \ge 1.   Let G_{\bf Q} = Gal(\overline{\bf Q}/{\bf Q}) be the absolute
Galois group of {\bf Q}.  Let {\bf Z}_p denote the ring of
p-adic integers.   Our purpose in this talk is to describe a way of
constructing continuous representations

 \rho:  G_{\bf Q} ~\longrightarrow ~ GL_n({\bf Z}_p)

whose image is open.  This means that the image of $\rho$ has finite index in
GL_n({\bf Z}_p).   We can do this for
many pairs $(n,p)$. One typical result is the following:

Proposition:    Suppose that p is a regular prime and
that p \ge 4\big[ \frac{n}{2} \big] + 1. Then there exists a continuous
representation \rho as above with open image.