School of Mathematics Colloquium

An analogue of Raynaud's theory in rigid analytic and formal geometry

by Dr. Amrita Muralidharan (TIFR)

Thursday, November 8, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-69 )
In Raynaud's approach to rigid analytic geometry, rigid
analytic spaces are interpreted as generic fibres of formal schemes.
Grosse-Kloenne, motivated by Berthelot's rigid cohomology, defined
dagger spaces as overconvergent analogues of rigid analytic spaces.
Meredith defined weak formal schemes using Monsky and Washnitzer's
definition of weak completion of algebras. In a similar vein to
Raynaud's theory, we interpret dagger spaces as generic fibres of weak
formal schemes and establish a precise relationship between them.