Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics Seminars

Electron Impact Ionization of Molecular Clusters, Metal Ligand Dication Complex and Electron and Photon Impact Ionization of DNA/RNA Bases Molecules

by Dr. Rajendra Parajuli (Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu)

Monday, January 28, 2013 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( P305 (DNAP Seminar Room) )
Description Two independent works one done in University of Nottingham, UK and another in Open University, UK, are being presented in this talk. In Nottingham work, high resolution mass spectrometry has been used to record the fragmentation patterns of size-selected cluster ions and metal-ligand dication complexes that have been produced by the electron impact ionization of neutral clusters. From the shapes of fragment ion peaks it is possible to extract information concerning the distribution of kinetic energy that is released during the decay process. Average kinetic energies have been recorded and using finite heat bath theory these data have been used to calculate the binding energies of single molecules to the cluster ions.
In Open University, multiphoton ionization and electron impact ionization were used for RNA/DNA bases molecules.
Organised by Dr. Vaibhav Prabhudesai