School of Mathematics Seminars and Lectures

`On splitting of primes and simple extensions of integrally closed domains'

by Prof. S.K. Khanduja (IISER, Mohali)

Thursday, November 27, 2014 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG-77
Description We will discuss an extension of the  classical  Dedekind's  theorem
splitting of rational primes in algebraic number fields  as well as of its
converse when the base field is a valued field of arbitrary rank.   Let $R$
the valuation ring of a Krull valuation  defined on a field $K$ and $S$ be the integral closure of $R$ in a finite extension $L$ of $K.$ A set of conditions will be described which are necessary as well as sufficient for $S$ to be a simple  ring extension of $R,$ i.e., $S=R[\theta]$ for some $\theta.$ The well  known theorem  of Dedekind characterizing those rational primes $p$ which divide the index of an algebraic number field will be deduced. Some related open problems will also be mentioned.