Biological Sciences Seminars

Molecular and Genetic Dissection of Skeletal Physiology

by Dr. Vijay Yadav (The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute UK)

Monday, February 2, 2015 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG-69
The additional years of life expectancy in India are experienced with reduced activity due to a decline in the functions of multiple organs. If we want to slow down this organismal ageing process we need to achieve a better understanding of how the functions of all organs are normally maintained and interact. This knowledge could help prevent ageing disorders. In recent years, bone has emerged as an organ that not only is influenced by other organs.It also affects their functions. There is a close interplay between the diversity of nutritional cues and metabolic signals with different elements of the bone to co--‐ordinate bone remodeling with other physiological processes. In this talk, I will illustrate using our recent studies on a novel gut--‐liver--‐bone endocrine axis the roles of hormonal signals that originate in, or impinge on, the bone in the regulation of whole--‐body homeostasis.