String Theory Seminars

Infra red effects in de Sitter space

by Dr. Sameer Murthy (LPTHE, Paris)

Friday, December 3, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( A-304 )
I will discuss infra red effects in de Sitter space, in particular the much-discussed and confusing issues of divergences in interacting massive theories in a background de Sitter space.

I will aim to reach and cover the two recent papers:

1) The IR stability of de Sitter QFT: results at all orders. Donald Marolf, Ian A. Morrison, . Oct 2010. Temporary entry e-Print:  rXiv:1010.5327 [gr-qc]
2) Correlators, Feynman diagrams, and quantum no-hair in deSitter spacetime.
Stefan Hollands, . Oct 2010. 45pp. Temporary entry e-Print: arXiv:1010.5367 [gr-qc]

As an (extended) background, I will try to review the following papers:

-- A. M. Polyakov 0709.2899 [hep-th], 0912.5503 [hep-th];
-- S. Weinberg, hep-th/0506236 and hep-th/0605244;
-- (If time permits)
Starobinsky and Yokoyama  astro-ph/9407016,
Riotto and Sloth 0801.1845 [hep-ph];
Burgess, Holman, Leblond, Shandera, 0912.1608 [hep-th]

A review of some of these issues may be found in
Antoniadis, Mazur, Mottola gr-qc/0612068

and interesting further reading is:
Burgess, Holman, Leblond, Shandera, 1005.3551 [hep-th]
and Rajaraman, 1008.1271 [hep-th].

A slightly orthogonal, but nice review is in:
Spradlin, Strominger, Volovich, hep-th/0110007
Organised by Prof. Sandip Trivedi