School of Mathematics Colloquium

Geometry and dynamics of Kleinian groups

by Prof. Mahan Maharaj (Vivekananda University, Belur (West Bengal))

Tuesday, December 14, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
Kleinian groups are discrete subgroups of the Isometry group of hyperbolic 3-space. Their
limit sets are the points of accumulation of orbits on the ideal boundary. The most representative examples are surface Kleinian groups, i.e, discrete faithful representations of \pi_1(S) into 
PSL_2(C).  We shall describe a rigidity result (due to Minsky et al) and a result
due to the author that says that limit sets are \pi_1(S)-equivariant quotients of the
Organised by Aravindakshan T