String Theory Seminars

IR effects in de Sitter space 2 -- massless fields

by Dr. Sameer Murthy (TIFR)

Thursday, December 9, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( A-304 )
After recapitulating the discussion of last week on how to define sensible correlation functions for massive fields on de Sitter space, I will move on to the more interesting case of massless fields.

I will begin by discussing how there are no dS invariant vacua for free massless fields, and then discuss the breakdown of perturbation theory for interacting theories in the Bunch- avies vacuum (Burgess, Holman, Leblond, Shandera, 1005.3551 [hep-th]).  I will briefly discuss the resummation of leading logs using a Boltzmann type equation (Starobinsky and Yokoyama astro-ph/9407016, Riotto and Sloth 0801.1845 [hep-ph]), and finally discuss some recent work (Rajaraman, arXiv:1008.1271 [hep-th]) on how to recover the resumed answer using a correct path integral treatment of massless interacting fields.
Organised by Prof. Sandip Trivedi