String Theory Seminars


by Dr. Jacome Armas (Niels Bohr Institute)

Thursday, February 3, 2011 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( A-304 )
The blackfold approach is a recently developed method for constructing approximate analytic black hole solutions in any space-time dimension and background. The main idea consists in wrapping flat black membranes around specific submanifolds, which turns out to have a simple fluid interpretation. The theoretical foundations of this method will be explained and, through examples, shown how to use it to scan the space of allowed black hole solutions in flat space as well as in (A)dS backgrounds. Charged generalizations as well as thermal generalizations of string theory solutions will be discussed.

Based on the papers: arXiv:0910.1601; arXiv:0912.2352; arXiv: 1012.5081; arXiv: 1012.1494; arXiv:1012.4517
Organised by Prof. Sandip Trivedi