Wednesday Colloquia

On MeV Neutrals & Bacterial X-Ray Sources

by Prof. M. Krishanmurthy (DNAP, TIFR, Mumbai)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
TIFR, Mumbai
Intense laser fields are known over the decades for producing strongly ionized plasma. Nanomaterials are known to explode under the charge pressure to give MeV highly charged ions. Can we use this system, instead, to produce MeV neutrals? How about generating negative ions? I will talk about the success in this endeavor and show how the nanocluster ensembles can be used to make this feasible.

Bacteria are probed for long with x-rays to show their interior. How about turning the table and make bacteria emit x-rays? We will demonstrate that biological systems can indeed form one of the brightest x-ray source!