School of Mathematics Colloquium

What is an Algebraic stack ?

by Prof. Roy Joshua (Ohio State University, Columbus, USA)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-69 )
This will be an overview of stacks and algebraic stacks, assuming 
nothing more than
familiarity with some elementary notions in algebraic geometry (as
discussed, for example, in undergraduate or first year graduate courses).

Algebraic stacks have become important in recent years due to their
in various fields ranging from mathematical physics to the geometric
Langlands' program. In this talk we will first try to motivate the use of 
stacks, by considering a few basic examples. After some basic definitions, 
we will review how to define various cohomology-homology theories for 
algebraic stacks and conclude with some notable results on algebraic 