School of Mathematics Colloquium

Fine Selmer group of Hida deformations

by Mr. Somnath Jha (TIFR)

Thursday, September 29, 2011 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-69 )
Fine Selmer group of an elliptic curve  is an  arithmetic module which
is studied in Iwasawa theory.  In this talk, we will study the fine
Selmer groups associated to modular forms and  $\Lambda$-adic forms.
These modules are defined over a $p$-adic Lie extension of a number

Inspired by some deep classical conjectures of Iwasawa and Greenberg,
Coates and Sujatha  have  proposed certain conjectures regarding the
structure of the fine Selmer group. We will formulate analogues of  these
conjectures in the setting of  modular forms and also for $\Lambda$-adic
forms. We will relate the  structure of the `big' fine Selmer group of a
$\Lambda$-adic form to the fine Selmer groups associated to  the
individual modular forms which are specializations of the $\Lambda$-adic
form. We will also compare  the usual Greenberg Selmer groups (resp. fine
Selmer group) in a family of congruent modular forms associated to a
$\Lambda$-adic form.