ASET Colloquium

A Creative Melancholy: The Paintings of Rabindranath Tagore

by Prof. Sudhir Kakar

Friday, December 2, 2011 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
Although the spiritual aspects of Rabindranath Tagore's creative output, particularly his literary work, have often been highlighted, the subconscious elements that sought expression through them have largely been ignored.The present lecture addresses this theme through an engagement with Tagore's paintings. It does so by identifying the less than conscious currents of feeling-thought that also influenced the images that took shape in his paintings. These subconscious currents have their source in Rabindranath's life history and his paintings are shapes of his early feelings, cut-off parts of his self, which he sought to recapture in the present through his art in a process of self-healing. 

About Prof. Sudhir Kakar:

Psychoanalyst and writer, Prof. Sudhir Kakar is a leading figure in the fields of cultural psychology and the psychology of religion. He has taught at many prestigious institutions in India and abroad and has been visiting professor at the universities of Harvard, Chicago, McGill,Melbourne,Hawaii,and Fellow at the Institutes of Advanced Study, Princeton and Berlin. The French weekly Le Nouvel Observateur has listed him as one of the world's 25 major thinkers while the German weekly Die Zeit portrayed Prof. Kakar as one of the 21 important thinkers for the 21st century. He was a Homi Bhabha Fellow. 

Prof. Kakar is the author of seventeen books of non fiction and four novels. His latest books are the novel The Crimson Throne, the memoir A Book of Memory and the edited volume On Dreams and Dreaming. His books have been translated into twenty one languages around the world. 
Organised by Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette