Theoretical Physics Colloquium

Galaxy-Dark Matter Connection: A cosmological perspective (Joint Theoretical Physics - Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminar)

by Dr. Surhud More (Kavli Institute of Cosmological Physics, Univ of Chicago)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( A304 )
The statistical properties of dark matter distribution in the Universe
are crucially dependent on the parameters used to describe cosmology.
The distribution of galaxies in the Universe traces the distribution
of dark matter. Therefore, observations of galaxies can provide
important information about the cosmological parameters. However, this
requires an accurate knowledge of how the galaxy distribution is
biased with respect to the dark matter distribution. We have developed
a unique statistical tool, the conditional luminosity function (CLF)
which can be used to specify how galaxies occupy dark matter halos and
consequently specify the galaxy bias. The CLF can be used to predict
various observables properties of the galaxy distribution. I shall
focus on the abundance of galaxies, their clustering strength and the
galaxy-galaxy lensing signal around them and present constraints on
cosmological parameters obtained from a combination of these