ASET Colloquium

Building websites: Techniques and technologies

by Ms. Kausalya Srinivas (TIFR), Mr. Nilesh Kulkarni (TIFR)

Friday, May 25, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
Website is a set of related web pages which may contain text, images, audio, video, etc.  Websites have become integral part of our "net" life. Whether it is to check our bank balance, to book a ticket or to search a scientific publication, website is the powerful tool we depend on. Based on their functionality, websites are broadly classified as static and dynamic. Today various tools are available which help building a functional website in a couple of minutes without having to know HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc.

In this two-part coloquium, we will give a glimpse of techniques and technologies used for designing the websites. While in the first part we will introduce the basic requirements for building a website, in the second part we will demonstrate actual designing of a simple website using the most preferred open source Web Content Management System - Joomla. Current TIFR website was built using Joomla.
Organised by Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette